A Winter in New York by Josie Silver is a sweet romance that revolves around a quaint gelato shop in Little Italy. In 1985, aspiring musician Vivien makes the hard choice to leave Santo Belotti, the only man she’s ever loved, in New York to pursue her career on the road. Before she leaves, he gives her his family’s secret gelato recipe, a recipe that Vivien shares with her daughter, Iris, along with her nostalgic love for the city where she fell in love. Now, Iris is 34 years old and moving to New York herself to pursue her own career as a chef. When she stumbles upon Santo’s gelato shop, she learns that the business’s future is in jeopardy because Santo’s health is failing, and he no longer remembers the famous recipe. Iris teams up with Gio, Santo’s handsome nephew, to try and save the gelateria, but she has to be careful not to let the past get in the way of the shop’s success, or her growing romance with Gio.
A Winter in New York